Sunday, December 13, 2009

how to download attachment more than 2.9 mb in blackberry


I am new blackberry 8900 curve user, got vodafone unlimited plan. I had this particular problem in downloading attachment greater than 2.9 mb.
Situation - When you are linking your gmail and other email account to blackberry email service and your particular email contains more than 2.9 mb of attachment, it wont open.

Problem : If you are using blackberry internet service, then the maximum limit to email attachment is 2.9 mb.
if you are on blackberry enterprise server then the default attachment size is 3 mb, which can be changed by system admin of BES.

I am referring to problem when you are using BIS, its impossible to download it. blame it to RIM people but if you have a wi-fi connection then there is a work around.
Step 1: Use blackberry hotspot browser instead of blackberry internet browser.
Step 2: Forward the mail which you want to open in your gmail account and login into gmail account in hotspot browser ( I haven't tried on other email service like yahoo or hotmail)
Step 3: Switch the email view to basic html in gmail, its given on the downmost part
Step 4: click on attachment and then you will get the link scan and download option.

Remember you need to gmail account(other may also work) and wi-fi connection.

Have fun

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